Our carefully developed pressure washing techniques, high-performance equipment, and competent and efficient cleaning crew provide outstanding results.
Sit back, relax, and let Big B Restoration LLC take care of all of your home, commercial, industrial, and institutional pressure washing needs. For many years, we have helped local organizations, private residents, and retail stores connect with the customized pressure washing services in La Grange, KY. Cleaning years of grime and buildup off of your sidewalks, walkways, building exterior and windows are just some of the ways we can help you maintain the professional and clean image you desire, while saving you time and money.
Our advanced power washing equipment is well maintained and perfect for reaching high and difficult to access places, as well as sensitive areas that require a little extra tender love and care. All of our power mounted trucks and trailer systems are inspected regularly and are outfitted with a wide range of exceptional power head attachments. No matter how large or complex the job is, we guarantee we can expedite the process by using the right tools and dedicated personnel.
During a free consultation, our cleaning experts will take an in depth look at your current infrastructure and examine your goals in greater detail. From there, we’ll put together and affordable quote that will meet and exceed your high expectations without crushing your wallet. Here is a short sample of some of our most frequently requested pressure washing services:
We’ve got the power cleaning services that can’t be beat in value and our transparent quotes never contain any hidden surprises.
Whether you’d like to schedule a one-time appointment to correct surface colors and remove stains and debris, or you’re looking for long-term or more complex pressure washing services, we are confident we are the best pressure washer in La Grange. Here are just some of the types of organizations we have partnered with recently:
As a thoroughly established pressure pressure-washing company in La Grange, KY that has been around for a long time, we know one thing for sure. Putting your unique needs first and taking the time to investigate your challenge areas in truly makes a world of difference in the level of service you receive. Don’t take any chances with power washers who lack the proper credentials and experience for exceptional project management.
Give us a call now to discuss the specifics of your upcoming pressure washing project. We look forward to giving you a free quote and exploring ways to reduce costs without cutting any corners.
Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday to Sunday: By Appointment Only
Big B Restoration LLC